Monday, August 22, 2011
Last Days at the Local Beach
Summer Soccer for Tots
Thursday, August 18, 2011
A Little of This and a Little of That
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Dot Has Some Adventures
Chapter 1:
Once upon a time when Dot got lost she didn't know where she was. So when Daddy looked and looked, he couldn't find her. But in the morning Papa came over to build Myrick's jungle gym. Myrick loved her jungle gym. Myrick really, really loved her jungle gym, and it was so great. She jumped up and down and yelled "Yay!" When Dot really wanted to not get lost anymore, Dad was walking Whidbey and Papa was walking hisself, but when they opened the woodshed, they found Dot. She was so silly, she was on the tractor, and was really, really excited to see Daddy. Daddy put her back in the chicken coop.
Chapter 2:
This morning when Sassy was walking with Dot, Dot flew up on the jungle gym and it was so silly. She was on the little board that was very high up. She flapped and that's what she said. She flew down and it was so silly, silly, silly, and we all said, "What did she do?" And she flew down.
The End
Monday, August 15, 2011
Puddle Stompers
Although it was a rainy day here, we forged ahead and went outside despite Pender not having proper rubber rain boots or even a rain shell. He clearly didn't seem to mind!
Swimming in Traverse
Traveling Tunes
Nate is sort of famous for his CD mixes (yeah, he's a little old school which is one of the things I love about him), and he has made several mixes for the kids already, in addition to many road trip compilations when we were just young married things traveling all around. So for our 60+ hour/3,000 mile summer road trip, Nate made a mix CD for the kids. Myrick's favorite song has turned out to be "Hit the Road Jack". She frequently requested it while we were driving and still loves singing it. I think this clip was taken on our first day in the car as we were stuck in DC traffic. Thank goodness for a 4 year old's ability to lighten the mood at the end of a 10+ hour day in the car!
Pender's Moves
Pender loves to dance, and while taking a break from the sunshine and waves, the kids watched a little PBS with just enough background music to make him want to boogie! Love it!
Cousin Camp 2011: Outer Banks Style
- the fox that we watched for several evenings at dusk who came sneaking though our front "yard",
- The Outliers family book club even though everyone made fun of my prepared questions,
- watching the kids splash in the tide pools during low tide,
- cooking for each other and enjoying all of the delicious food,
- Myrick getting some prickly pear needles stuck in her foot at Kitty Hawk and howling like she was dying,
- enjoying a trip to the Wright Brothers Museum with Poppy
- lifting the kids over the waves with the kids in between Akie and me
- Pender crying on the beach every time Nate or I would walk towards the ocean,
- making sand castles and moats with Myrick and Nate,
- using the outdoor shower to get the LOADS of sand out of the kids' bottoms before heading inside,
- and of course turning around to see one of the boys with his britches down peeing into the sand bank - hilarious!
Thank you mom and dad, for a great Cousin Camp - we will be talking about it for years to come. As much fun as it was for the adults, however, I know Myrick really missed being in SC at the place that she thinks of when she thinks of Cousin Camp and Akie and Poppy. Next year will have to be back to the place that she loves the best!
Sorting her seashells into organized piles - Mommy and Poppy approve!
Decorating Chris's and Jes's birthday cake
Maddox, Myrick, and Nixon - did I get the boys right, Chris???
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Honoring the Kids' Summer
Picking the beans she planted
Helping Daddy stack wood
Past his bedtime, but what a trooper - he loved it!
Ready for a romp in the berry patch