I guess we are in the "calm before the storm" - I mean, of course, the next storm. Sounds like another one is closing in on us after this past Wednesday's 10 inches. The difference between this winter and last is that even though we came close to record-setting snowfall amounts last year, it warmed up enough in between storms to melt some of it. This year, though, the mercury has barely lifted out of the single digits which means that we still have remnants of earlier snow falls - which means that we can barely see to pull out of our driveway these days with the mountain of snow continuing to grow. Where will we put another load of plowed and shoveled snow??? It has been lovely this morning, though, with temps in the mild 20's - warm enough for Myrick to get outside for a half-hour romp across the snowfield that is our backyard. What an enjoyable way to spend a slow Sunday morning!