Time flies when you're working hard. The time between February break and Spring break has been a bit of a blur with some curve balls at work thrown our way. Toss into the mix our 7th anniversary, Myrick's 2nd birthday, me out of town for three days, and Nate's science fair and you can imagine where the time went.
There were so many moments when I wanted to just stop and catalogue what was happening. Myrick is changing so much so fast that I can't seem to capture it quickly enough. I'd love to think that I could sit down for just 10 minutes each night and throw some highlights up here for my friends and family to read. Even that modest goal, though, appears to be too much. My professional workload has been crushing these past weeks. Finally, though, a moment to catch my breath and catch up on my writing. Spring break couldn't have come at a more needed time.
On our agendas this break: selecting and ordering our chicken breeds and finally getting my seeds into some soil and under grow lights. Hopefully that will happen tomorrow. We ordered heirloom seeds from Seed Savers, and Myrick had a mighty fine time today shaking the seed packets and naming all of the veggie pictures on the front. She calls tomatoes "'matoes" - just one of the many adorable things she's doing these days. She's even mastered some three-syllable words lately, like "amials." That's animals in Myrick-speak. Anyhow, I finally got the peas into the ground two days ago, so hopefully that isn't too late to get a better crop this year. We would be hard-pressed to get a worse pea crop than last year, that's for sure; I think we managed to eek out 7 pea pods last summer. Like I said, this year has to be better in the pea department!
As I drove Whidbey to her vet appointment this morning, it occured to me how lucky we are to live where we do. We really have just about everything we need right here in our own town. A full-service vet, a pizza place, our library and church, our dentist, two cute restaurants with yummy food, a volunteer fire/police department that has promptly rescued our family and home not once, twice, or even three times, but four times already, a great k-8 school, beautiful old historic homes, and so many miles of beautiful trees and land that remain undeveloped except by farmers and homeowners. This is my little slice of paradise. When I get a chance to slow down every now and then, I get to see what I miss on a daily basis - that life here offers us just what we need.
On that note, I'm heading to bed to enjoy a full 8 hours of rest listening to the spring peepers and the lovely rain that is watering the promise of delicious summer vegetables. Good night.