Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Three Years of Kitchen Work

While we all love stained-wood decor (Em in particular), the kitchen we found in the house when we moved in just couldn't stay. It had places to go, things to do. The faux bronze-brick backsplash, as much as it added that certain je ne sais quoi to the room's atmosphere, needed to leave. And the enigmatic column--was it simply a display case? was it load bearing? did it house the disco ball?

With considerable assistance from our parents, we slowly began to tame all that polished wood. First Paula helped out with a generous coat of paint. Then we discovered a granite countertop in the barn that only needed a 6-ft cabinet to go with it, which Dad built. Next followed more cabinets from Dad that we managed to hang (which surprisingly haven't fallen yet!), a few more family painting days and we were a little bit closer.

And then the column came down and the island was removed. Fortunately it wasn't load bearing, but unfortunately there was nothing but sub-flooring underneath it. Dad's new island required some plywood underneath, and it was almost finished. Last touch went in yesterday--tiling the remaining footprint! I added some grout today for good measure, and we've got ourselves a totally new kitchen.

Much thanks to our indefatigable parents!