A few moments from the past few days:
Paper-chain making and pulling out the Christmas books were the plan for Friday and Saturday. We have collected a lovely bunch of Christmas story books over the years and take great joy in pulling them out during this season. So far we've already read Stranger in the Woods, Winter's Gift, An Apple Tree Christmas, and some others I can't call to mind at the moment. We always read each night before bed, but now there is the added excitement of going through the Christmas box to find the treasure for story time! Even Pender is becoming quite the "reader", going to the bookshelf first, then grabbing paci and puppy before plunking himself down in the reading corner for his story and snuggles. It's the best time of my days.
So for "girls' time" Myrick wanted to get started on making our paper chains. We made a really long red one that is now draped over our curtain rod in the living room and a smaller green one that hangs in the doorframe between the kitchen and living room. It was great to notice how far her cutting skills have come in a year. Last year I did most of the cutting, and she would help link the stips of paper before stapling them. This year I drew lines down the paper, and she cut them all by herself with varying degrees of accuracy but such a lot of concentration and focus! Now she wants to make a purple chain for her bedroom...
On Saturday we all went to a regional production of The Nutcracker at Exeter High School. What a place with a real auditorium and stage - amazing! Myrick enjoyed it and even got into the dancing during the Chinese music (standing in the row and wiggling a bit), but Pender was amazing! For the entire first act he just sat there quietly enjoying the show on Nate's lap. He didn't fall asleep despite his lack of a real nap, and he even made it through the second act without incident! Wow! I, particularly, enjoyed the three older ladies sitting just in front of us, when at the end of the first act as the snow is falling down and the snowflakes have just finished their dance all looked at one another and said, "Just beautiful!" Watching it performed by a company of young dancers sent me down memory lane and made me wish there were someplace nearby for taking adult classes. I miss my days of ballet classes.
Last but not least, I suppose I should mention that with a new choir director at the helm of our church, Myrick went to children's choir rehearsal on Wednesday evening. The only song that I recognize that they are rehearsing for this season is "Away in the Manger" which means that is the only one I can help her with in the car on the way to their sitter's in the morning. The other ones Nate is practicing with her at the piano in the evenings after dinner. Today they sang "Sing Noel" in church. Myrick mostly stood there wiggling back and forth and smiling with a little singing while being accompanied by dad on the drum and the director on the piano. She may be too young, a conversation Nate and I still need to have, but she seems to have enjoyed "singing with the big girls" today. It remains to be seen how she will do as an angel in the Christmas pageant at church... Our director asked me if Nate knew how talented he is and then said to me during fellowship hour that he wanted to use Nate's many musical talents without exploiting them. I must admit that even I didn't know Nate could sing and play African spirituals the way that he has these past two Sundays. The congregation is so appreciative and supportive of him.