In the past few weeks, we've been so focused on getting ready for Myrick's big transition that it seems like my baby Pender has slipped into the beginning of little-boyhood without my taking notice. Until today. Nothing drastic or major, just subtle little signs. Like when I ask for a kiss, a few weeks ago he would've given them to me right away and with gusto; now he says "No" with a smile and turns to walk away. Thankfully he always comes right back and says "Tiss!" and gives me a smooch. And he's just a little more wiggly when I want to hold him. He's always been the snuggly one, and he still is, just to a slightly lesser degree. Today as we walked through the woods to the tree house, it struck me that he was not only looking a bit taller and leggier, but he also was leading the charge without constantly demanding "Mommy up!" Huh. And his little personality is surely blossoming - he's sillier, more vocal, and even moving towards being a nudge on purpose to his sister. Truth be told it makes me sad. I'm learning that I am not so good at letting go and moving forward, and this is yet another step out of the familiar, comforting routine of the past year.
Before he completely moves beyond those baby-like qualities, I've been meaning to write down a list of his sweet vocabulary like we did with Myrick a long time ago. Not that writing out his words phonetically can capture the tone, expression, and sound of his adorable voice, but for posterity, here are some of our favorites:
Bee-Bee = Whidbey
dump = jump
tuck = truck
fi-tuck = fire truck
tar = car
Miwick = Myrick
twain - train
lellow = yellow
hi-poose = hippo
tee-cah, tee-cah = "clickety-clack) the sound a moving train makes
titer = sister
Ah-tee = Akie
mummer = sandwich
fah-vee = sorry
fah-ver = flower
disth = this (with a little lisp)
ta-ter = tractor
bum cacker = fire cracker
tumpet = trumpet
tiss = kiss
Bo-mama = Obama (sorry Mom and Dad!)