Well, our first four-day school week has gone about how we expected. We're all super tired at the end of the day, and late afternoon/evenings can be really trying! Myrick is absolutely pooped. She must use up all of her cuteness, politeness, sweetness, rationality, and general good humor at school, because when she gets home, there's not much evidence that she ever possessed those qualities. The leftovers we get include sassiness, obstinance, poor judgement, etc. We knew it would be a work in progress while we work out the scheduling kinks, while she gets adjusted to such a rigorous schedule, and while Nate and I regain our teaching stamina. I can't remember the details, but at one point this week, Nate looked at me and said, "I shouldn't have picked that battle, huh?" This was said over the wail of a crying, tired kindergartner.
But although she's tired, she has had a good week, even if it was only 3 days for her. She's made some new friends, bus rides/drop-offs/pick-ups have gone smoothly, and she's had plenty of food packed for her lunches - can't complain. Next week should really be something as we all muck our way through our first full week!
Time to wrap it up and turn in early while the school year still allows me that luxury.