This was, I think, my favorite activity of Cousin Camp. When Chris and I still lived in Greenville, we made frequent trips to our downtown library. It was a three story building with this fantastic, huge rotating globe in the center of it. And although the cool globe is no longer there and the building no longer houses the library (a new one has been built), the space has been turned into the Children's Museum... and it was the best ever! I cannot say enough about this place! The kids had a fantastic time and were just pooped by the end of our two hours there. There were three full floors of hands-on exhibits and there was no way we could've gotten to everything. Which means... we'll have to go back again, and again, and again in visits to come. And while there was so much to see and do, my favorite moment of the trip was completely unexpected. One of the memorable parts of that building when it was still just our library years ago, was that around the globe in the center of the library was basically one long curved bench that wrapped around the entire room for sitting on and reading. Chris and I both have good memories of standing on them and walking the circumference of the room. At one point in our visit to the museum, I look up to see Chris holding the hand of one of his boys while he walks the circumference along what used to be the benches we walked on. Chris and I looked at each other with big smiles - what a great moment!
After much needed naps, the Carters came over with their granddaughters, Alley and Suzie for a little evening playdate in the splash pool. It was just so hot during the day that playtime after the sun was beginning to set was the best time for running around the yard.
Great day - tired and happy kids!