After ~20 years of pecking away at NH's 4000-footers, it

came down to an overcast July weekend, the Carter-Moriah Range, and my soon-to-be-married brother. We parked at the 19-Mile Brook trailhead and started our loop down Rte. 16. By crossing through Camp Dodge we picked up the Imp trail partway up. A couple hours of climbing brought us past this (bear-clawed?) tree to the ridge near North Carter. With the goal of camping at Imp Shelter, we then scrambled down one of those ridiculously steep stretches of White-Mountain "trail," irritating my I-T band (as diagnosed by Geoff) in the process. By the time we

dropped our packs at Imp and began the climb up Moriah (#46), the clouds actually showed signs of breaking up. Our run up the exposed ridge was complemented by emerging views north to the Pilots, west to the Presidentials and east to the Evans Notch area--not bad! Returning to Imp completed our 10-mile day. After an exquisite dinner of pasta, sundried tomatoes, green peppers and canned chicken, we turned in.

The morning brought wisps of mist to the campsite and thickening clouds to the ridge, and our first climb took us back up the ridiculous trail to North Carter. As we ascended into the clouds it occurred to us that a shuttle could have taken us to an easier trailhead and obviated the need for re-treading this trail. Oh well.
Once we made it up, the rest of the day was mostly downhill. The ridge run took us to unremarkable Middle Carter (#47) and then, with a small drop and climb, up to South Carter (#48)! Not many views along this stretch, so it was nice to have the clear weather on Moriah the day before. Dropping down to Zeta Pass and 19-Mile Brook took us back to the car to finish our 9-mile second day. It also irritated Geoff's I-T band! A fair amount of limping on the way out, but a successful end to the 4000-footers.

Thanks Geoff!