Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Case of the Mysterious Spots
So Myrick is "sick." She's had a small cold for the past two weeks which is dissipating, but two nights ago she suddenly got a fever, a stream of unpleasant vomit last night, and then there are these mysterious spots all over her tiny but stout legs - but only on the back from the knee down. Not chicken pox, possibly mosquito bites? I'm so upset by it - they are driving her crazy, and I can't seem to find the thing that will soothe her itches. And she wakes up each morning with new ones - what gives? I find it hard to believe a mosquito is feasting on her just at night and only on her legs. We even took her bed apart to look for clues but came up with nothing. Her bedroom window screens are all safe - no holes to speak of. I've resisted putting chemicals on her little body, but am I going to have to put bug repellent on her before bedtime? Ughh. Hopefully tonight will prove more restful for her (and us!) than last night.