Sunday, September 14, 2008

Will the Real Lamby Please Stand Up?

So my mom sent Myrick a new, "replacement" lamby in the unfortunate event that the original bites the dust, gets lost, or isn't otherwise available when needed. We've heard that it is good to have two of your child's comfort object so that you can rotate them in and out like when one needs to be washed, etc. The only problem with the new one is that it isn't pink but white and much, much softer having never been subjected to drool, spit-up, boogers, and countless washings. That being said, when we opened the box of goodies that mom and dad sent, Myrick was understandably not so sure of this new and "improved" lamby. She played with the little soft nubs for a few minutes, wrinkled her nose, and tossed it back in the box, all the while holding the real lamby.

Just a bit of background on lamby: lamby is the go-to when it is time to comfort or settle down for naps or nighttime routine. She picks it up, feels around for the soft nubs, and then puts her ring and middle finger into her mouth. This is her typical, comfort and sleepy-time routine, and she's pretty good at calming herself once we hand her lamby.

Well, the test came a little sooner than we had hoped. My plan had been to leave the new one sitting around her room and let her get used to it slowly, but oh no! Poor peanut got into another coughing spell yesterday night which ended in a vomiting fit... all over old lamby. There wasn't time to wash it before bedtime, so under the cover of a darkened room with only a smidge of night-light, I snuck "new" lamby into her hands and crossed my fingers. She felt around to get just the right position and then into her mouth went her fingers! Success! And she slept like a baby and so did we. This is a photo from this summer of Myrick sleeping curled up next to lamby.