- 5:30 alarm goes off, time to shower
- 6:00 wake up Myrick if she isn't already up (she is!)
- 6-7 get Myr and myself dressed, fed, and packed up
- 7:00 kisses all around and out the door - Nate with Myrick to Terri's and me in the opposite direction to school
- 7-4 work my tail off at school trying to keep up with one hundred 12/13 year olds
- 4:00 highlight of my day: picking up Myr and finally hearing "Mommy!" again after 9 hours
- 4-7:30 playtime, dinnertime, bathtime, bedtime routine all with my girl
- 7:30-11:30 clean kitchen, and plan, prep, and grade to get ready for tomorrow
- 11:30 drop into a deep slumber for 6 hours unless Myrick has other ideas
Ready, set, repeat. Here's hoping I can keep this pace for the remaining 9 months of school. Want to get complicated? Drop Nate's schedule on top of mine and see what happens!