My girl is talking - not in words or sentences that I necessarily understand, but she thinks we're having full conversations. It catches my heart to watch her adorable expressions and gestures match the inflection in her sentences. If I'm busy in the kitchen, she's likely to have a dialogue with Whidbey in the mudroom! They really make the cutest playmates. Whidbey is so gentle with Myrick, and I think Whidbey appreciates the attention from yet another adoring fan. So some of Myrick's words that we do understand and their translations:
nigh-nigh = Night Night!
baa = ball
nah nah = banana
tee tee = tee tee (as in "I tinkled on the floor when you took off my diaper, mommy.")
goh-bee = dirty or garbage
dah-bee = diaper
bah-bee = Whidbey
And then there are three words that she says clear as a bell: Mommy, Daddy, and baby! She smiles and points to pictures of babies every time she sees one, herself included. I can't tell if she can distinguish herself in pictures from other babies. Anyhow, I am very much enjoying listening to her learn language - her voice is so beautiful to my ears.
nigh-nigh = Night Night!
baa = ball
nah nah = banana
tee tee = tee tee (as in "I tinkled on the floor when you took off my diaper, mommy.")
goh-bee = dirty or garbage
dah-bee = diaper
bah-bee = Whidbey
And then there are three words that she says clear as a bell: Mommy, Daddy, and baby! She smiles and points to pictures of babies every time she sees one, herself included. I can't tell if she can distinguish herself in pictures from other babies. Anyhow, I am very much enjoying listening to her learn language - her voice is so beautiful to my ears.