After reading my last post again, I decided it had a certain martyr-ish flavor about it - not my intention. Don't get me wrong, being a full-time working mom is hard, but it's not without its fair share of daily joys. I can easily say that I look back at those first five years of marriage to Nate with extreme fondness, but there is nothing I would change about my life today - especially having my kiddos. So to keep those daily joys in the forefront of my mind (and to get me blogging a little more), I'll post at least one picture a day for the next month of the joyous moments that make up my days. I often find myself, camera in hand, snapping away with the background thought, "Don't forget what this moment was like" - kind of a time capsule mentality with no real plan of what to do with those photos.
Here are a few to kick off the challenge.
5 1/2 years old
2 1/2 years old
Admiring and playing with a caterpillar on the side of their pool. Love that Pen just copies Myrick's every move, including her stance here!