Well friends and family, the time has arrived... Myrick begins Kindergarten in only three more days. The tears have already bubbled up a few times, and although I am a teacher in public schools, I found myself on the other side of the fence this evening at Back to School Night. Myrick, Pender, Nate, and I went for 45 minutes to visit her classroom and meet some new classmates, and there I was, peppering the teacher and paras about how the bus routes worked, would they need transportation notes from me, what about naps and bathroom breaks, who would she eat lunch with, and again, how about that bus ride. I am a nervous mommy who is going to need a whole box of tissues to get through this week.Those were some fast five years, let me tell you.
I only managed to snap one picture of her there tonight, standing in front of her cubby.