Although I had a great first day at school with my students, I feel like a pile of mush right now. I'm on the verge of tears just thinking about Myrick starting Kindergarten tomorrow. As I tucked her into bed, she said to me, "Mommy, I'm not so sure I'm going to like Kindergarten." I know she's a little nervous, too. I asked her if she liked her new teacher (she visited Mrs. K's classroom a couple of times as a preschooler, and we've gone to two different visitation days in preparation for tomorrow, so she's not a stranger). She said yes. I asked her if she liked Michael and Jeffery (twin boys in her pre-K class that will also be in her new class), and she said yes. So I told her that made three people who would be very excited and glad to see her tomorrow! That seemed to help a little bit. She woke up this morning at 3 a.m. and crawled in bed with me because she said she had a bad dream - very unusual for her. I tucked her back in, and she went back to sleep just fine, but clearly her little brain is busy putting all of these new pieces together.
The best/worst part of my day was this morning's drop-off at Terri's. Myrick had plans to be with Lally all day, and Pender was to go to Terri's by himself. They hugged each other goodbye, but when Pender got up the steps and into her house, he let out a little whimper and said, "Where titer?" Oh how my heart broke for him. I choked back my own tears, but when I got back into the car, Myrick was waiting in the backseat with tears streaming down her face. All she said was, "I miss Pender and Ms. Terri." Ugh - three little broken hearts to start our day. I didn't anticipate the morning going that way and was completely unprepared. At least tomorrow I know not to wear make-up to school. The sweetest moment, though, was when Myrick and Lally got back from their adventures, Myrick hopped out of the car and she and Pender ran to each other hugging. Who could ask for more? I know they won't always get along so well, so I will tuck that moment away in my heart.
Fingers crossed for a good night's sleep for all of us and a happy send-off for both of my babies in the morning. Mommy-ing is the hardest job - much harder than teaching, I've decided.
Enjoying each other's company after a day apart.
Big sis helping Pender manage the sandbox digger.