So life ticks on here without my pausing to update. As much as I love blogging and posting news here about our family, I have realized that my life currently exists as a series of trade-offs. Either we can get to bed at a reasonable hour OR I can cook a homecooked meal and the kids eat a late dinner and don't get the sleep they need. Either I can have a clean/neat/organized home OR I can spend that precious free time with my kids. Either I can take my kids to our local lake OR I can prep for my classroom this year. And so it goes. I guess all of the trade-offs really come down to the most precious commodity I have: time. And at the expense of most other things (having a social life, time to myself, exercise, sleep, etc.) I choose my kids and their well being. I'm not complaining; despite wishing to have a few moments of energy left at the end of the day to sweep my kitchen floor, I know without any trace of doubt that those bits of energy were better spent reading bedtime stories to my kids or lingering over coffee while enjoying their bathtime antics together.
But it does mean that I also don't choose to spend my time writing about life; I'm thankful enough that I just get to live it.
So without further ado, here is a little catch-up for those of you who've noticed and remarked about my lapse in posting! I always have high hopes and good intentions of posting more, so the best I can do is to promise to try. Certainly there is no lack of events to post about: cousing camp 2012 right here in NH, a trip to Boise to see Kelly, our family trip to Michigan, and dozens of milestones that my kiddos make each day.
One of the most remarkable milestones that made me cry (not such a hard thing to do, really, when it comes to my kids growing up!) is Myrick losing her first tooth. Can hardly believe it myself! It was our last night in Michigan around the dinner table. She wouldn't eat her dinner because she was worried it would fall out (she wanted Poppa to pull it!) but of course she was easily convinced to eat dessert - blueberry pie. And so on her first bite, it fell right out!