Monday, August 26, 2013

Fast Shoes

A fan of calling shoes by their traits, Pender's new sneakers have been named The Fast Shoes because they make him run fast!  We also have yellow rubber boots that are named The Fancy Boots - not sure how that name came about, though.

Girls' Day

Myrick and I had a girls' day together this past week.  We did back-to-school shopping, got haircuts, had lunch out together, and just generally had a fun day.  She helped pick out new shoes for Pender and while we were in a store, she jumped up and squealed when she saw a tee-shirt that had a train on the front of it.  She begged me to buy it for Pender because she just knew he'd love it.  In our whole day together, never once did she ask for anything for herself, so I was very touched that the one thing she did request was for her brother.  Pender was overjoyed at his new tee and wanted to keep on wearing it even though it was a hot day and the shirt is long-sleeved!

 The new shoes!

 Sister's tee-shirt gift to Pen

 Sampling our apples and early evening reading

 The kids and Nate throw the apple cores for Whidbey to fetch... and eat!

 A late summer trip to Johnson's Dairy Bar

 Pender decides to be helpful

 Not sure how he got it under his eye...

Or on her nose...

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sibling Love

The septic system folks came to pump out our septic system one morning last week, and Myrick and Pender stood in the backyard watching - love the sweet nature of these photos which I shot through the screen door so they wouldn't know I was there...

Bee Sting

Her third one of the season - this one on her eyelid.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Here we go folks - I had big plans tonight to do some serious blog catch-up, but alas, the camera battery just died.  Our Michigan photos are retrievable without it, though, so this is the only one for tonight.  School starts in less than a week, and we've been busy here wringing the dickens out of summer with girls' day, back-to-school shopping, Veasey play dates, bee stings, a Johnson's Dairy Bar trip, and more. Just trying to fit it all in before the mayhem begins.  Sorry for the photo delivery in this post - since we relied on other people to take our vacation photos, this is the only way I can figure out how to get them to show up.  For all who donated pictures to us (ahem, Rachel and Sally) - thank you!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer Reprieve

It pains me to say that with the daylight fading noticeably earlier and a start date for school a week away, summer is winding down.  I went to school today to spend time prepping my classroom, Myrick headed off to her last week of day camp, Pender went off to Mrs. Terri's, and tonight we practiced a school evening schedule.  Ughh.  This time of year holds both excitement and sadness for me: I always look forward to the possibilities that a new year holds, but since having kids, this time of year marks the passing of time and how very quickly it seems to slip away.  I can hardly believe I have a first grader and a baby beginning pre-k.  We've had a wonderful summer full of social engagements, vacation, productive home chores, family adventures, and more.  I thoroughly enjoyed my time sitting at Veasey Beach among the other mommies watching our kids in swim lessons together - what a delight.  A round of cooler weather, though, has reminded me that this season at our local lake is nearly at an end.  After school today I picked up the kids and headed to Veasey for a late afternoon dip even with the sun setting.  Here are my two bathing beauties enjoying their beach time.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Moon-Watchin' Kind of Night

Fresh out of the bath and on the heels of a backyard campfire s'more session, Nate decided to set up the telescope for a few minutes of moon viewing - pretty great ending to another pretty great day.  I'm beginning to feel the tug of school prep that needs to be done, all the while lamenting the end to a glorious summer.  In the middle of the year, when things get tough and budget season feels unfair, I'll have to remind myself that not many parents get to spend their summers like we do; where the paycheck lacks, the gift of time with my children makes up for it.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Today was a mini-hike compared with yesterday's monster.  We met up with some friends for a short romp through the boulders of Pawtuckaway State Park just 5 minutes down the road.  What great rock scrambling - the kids were mountain goats again today, and we ended the outing by enjoying a trip to the pizza shop.  Another good, summer day!  I am feeling a little overwhelmed with my blogging - still entries to catch up on like the Michigan pictures and the horse riding of Maddie and Myrick.  I've really enjoyed spending a few minutes each day reflecting on our family time; it's been a little like a gratitude moment of all the great stuff I have to be thankful for.

 Hanging out with out friends under one of the great balanced boulders that creates little caves and fantastic scrambling opportunities.

Pender sits in the saddle of the horsey tree.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Mt. Major, 1786'

I couldn't be any more stunned than I am tonight after a lovely day's hike.  For Father's Day this year, the kids gave Nate 2 coupons: one for a complete car cleaning, inside and out, and the other for a family hike.  I didn't anticipate my 2 kiddos making it to the top of Mt. Major, but climb it they did!  And Pender did not need any help getting all the way up it himself!  He must've taken inspiration from Myrick the Mountain Goat because he just scrambled away after her.  They were amazing!  Tom joined us for the hike, alternating between holding hands with Pender and listening attentively to Myrick chatter the whole way up and down.  Although Pender made it to the top on his own steam, he puttered out part way down and got a lift from Daddy-O.

 Two things that don't happen often: a picture of the four of us where we're all smiling and looking at the camera at the same time, and a picture of just the two of us.

 Myrick and Pender have both spent plenty of time in this carrier - it's done its job well and is at the end of its career with our children.  Pender will soon be too big for it if he isn't already, currently weighing in around 35 pounds at 3 1/2 years old.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sliding Rock, Pisgah National Forest, NC

Chris and I both have memories of visiting Sliding Rock from when we were little.  Memories like being little and skinny without much fat on our bottoms.  Memories of sluicing down the rock and then hitting the pothole.  Memories of launching off the pothole and landing on our unpadded fannies.  And then hitting that icy water at the bottom. Despite all of that, though, these are good memories.  And so during Cousin Camp we trucked the kids off to Sliding Rock for an adventure after our night of camping.  Myrick went down with Poppy twice and Chris took Maddox and Nixon down once each.  Good thing Pender needed babysitting; he was my perfect excuse to not go down this time, though I'm sure my time will come in a few more years on a return trip!  It was fun being the camera-person, but it was also nerve-wracking to watch my baby girl and the boys go shooting down this natural water slide and into 50 degree water.

Chris and one of the boys en route

 Splash and take breath away!

 Myrick and Poppy at top of rock

En route and wiping water out of her eyes

BEST shot of Cousin Camp - is that water cold, Dad?!

For a little more context, here is a link to a video compilation of Sliding Rock although the water was much higher and therefore faster when we were there.
Sliding Rock Video

Friday, August 9, 2013

Cousin Camp 2013 Highlights

Back in SC again, we had a great Cousin Camp!  I'll make a separate post about our Sliding Rock adventures soon.  Here are some of the highlights:

 Playtime in the backyard pool

 Goggled aliens

 Cousin Camp 2013 fashion wear

 An afternoon at the gym pool

Snuggling while enjoying some video game time

Ed Emberley Finger Print drawing lessons

 Aunt Jes hosts bedtime story with Richard Scary

 Pender and ??? Is this Maddox or Nixon???

 On a hike where they filmed The Hunger Games

 Chris and me - I've got Pender's Thomas underwear suspended over the fire to dry them!

 Practicing our Uno skills

 A cool morning of Davis River ??? playtime

 Engineering dams, moats, castles, etc.

 Making a dam near Akie and Poppy's house

A round of mini-golf - the boys were pros but it was Pender and Myrick's first time