Thursday, April 30, 2009

"E-prise Daddy!"

Hasn't everyone had this question posed to them at one time or another: "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?" I've always struggled with my answer and never felt I had a good one. I suppose you could view that as a good sign - that I'm content with what I have and don't need super-human powers. However, the decision came to me today rather out of the blue. If I could have one power, I think it would be to have the ability to freeze time. And yes, in case there was doubt in anyone's mind, of course this has everything to do with Myrick.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want her to stay a 2-year old forever. I suppose at some point I'd grow tired of it. For the moment, however, time is going too fast. It breaks my heart to know that someday when she's a sassy teenager I'll wonder what happened to that sweet little voice. When she hides in the closet and whispers "I hide," and then jumps out and says "E-prise Daddy!" when Nate walks in the room is priceless to watch. She brings an awful lot of laughter into this house with her squeaky inflections. I am treasuring every minute of it.