Wednesday, September 10, 2008


As I was writing my previous post the other night about feeling overwhelmed by our busy schedules and not enough sleep, little did I know that Myrick was about to wake up at 11 pm as I was headed to bed. She woke up with a terrible coughing fit; it was so bad that the little peanut threw-up several times from the force of her coughs. It was a long and tiring night for all three of us. Only Whidbey slept through it all. After trying different things to help quiet her cough and a call to the urgent-care nurse on duty at 2 am, we finally got a little shut-eye - about 4 or 5 hours worth. Needless to say, Tuesday was a tough day to get through on such a tiny amount of sleep, and it was an especially long day for Myrick.

In light of all that, it must sound like an odd time to say how grateful I am, but its true. As I was lying awake with Myrick in my arms (that's how she finally fell asleep), I got the chance to just watch - to see all of her sweet expressions and hear her tiny little snores. I haven't spent that much time watching her sleep in what seems like a long time. Lately it's been all about teaching her to fall asleep on her own, so I haven't had the opportunity to just sit and admire her tiny perfection.

When Wednesday night rolled around, we took a long, steamy shower and bath which helped set the stage for a solid night of sleep for our whole family. Myrick woke up so refreshed this morning and in the best mood - she's really at her cutest first thing in the morning.

As for the rest of our busy schedule that I complained about, I am grateful for it, too. Not only do I have a job in this tough economy, but I have a job that I love - yes, teaching teenagers truly is a heap of fun to me! And I feel grateful to have a home that needs to be cleaned and enough food on the table to prepare. I am grateful for these things and so many more - like the family who've helped get us here and who've supported us through some challenging times in the past couple of years. Too many blessings to count in one short post - guess I'll have to include more later.